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ETOP - European Thoracic Oncology Platform

ETOP - European Thoracic Oncology Platform

ETOP - European Thoracic Oncology Platform

The interest in promoting and improving collaboration in clinical and translational research in lung cancer and mesothelioma in Europe prompted investigators representing collaborative study groups and institutions concerned with thoracic malignancies to explore new ways of working together. Out of this discussion the European Thoracic Oncology Platform was founded in 2009.

GFPC - French Lung Cancer Group

Le Groupe Français de Pneumo-Cancérologie (GFPC) est un groupe coopérateur multi-centrique réparti à travers la France. Sous un statut d’association loi 1901, il fédère des centres (Centres Hospitaliers Universitaires, Centres Hospitaliers, Etablissements de Santé) prenant en charge des malades atteints de cancers thoraciques.

SICT - Societą Italiana di Chirurgia Toracica

La SICT - Società Italiana di Chirurgia Toracica ha per scopo il perseguimento di finalità di interesse generale e di utilità sociale nel settore dell’istruzione e della formazione attraverso la promozione di studi e della ricerca scientifica nell’ambito della chiururgia toracica, le formazione dei medici specialisti in chirurgia toracica, la programmazione in ambito sanitario ed il controllo di qualità nel campo delle malattie toraciche.

European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

To work with other organisations towards a global culture of data collection to create a European wide repository of information on the practice of cardio-thoracic surgery as a tool for quality improvement and to disseminate that information in such a a way that it is easily accessible and understandable to our patients and the public.

Diventa socio AIOT, entra e compila il form di registrazione.
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